Registrations are coming in.

Girls and ladies are mailing registrations or paying on-line.  It's time to register if you're coming.  We have expenses to cover in these last 4 weeks before the event.

Door prizes are being donated, and a girl's committee is being formed to plan activities for Friday "late night."

The Friday/Saturday schedule is in place.  We have ladies willing to pray for the event while it is in progress.

Hope to see you there!

No Deal!

No Deal!  Ruth Revisited 2010 is fast approaching.

Click on the link "No Deal" to read this devotion that says it all! One of the topics at Ruth Revisited will include learning,and planning our reactions to tempting "shortcuts" that cause a detour from the PURE HEART God had intended and is designing in us.

In this "fast food," "instant text," "breaking news" world, we are all tempted to value and chase after instant gratification and hide from fears the world throws at us. God is challenging us to slow down and experience His promises, His peace, His ways, and His timing.

Lots of preparations are being made - have you registered?