Planning a Ruth Revisited Retreat

Planning a ladies retreat with a theme.
I will use Ruth Revisted – a Pure Reunion as an example of how to put together a retreat for women.

The event is one I planned in 2010 along with some friends.  The reunion was intended to bring together women who had worked on a series of purity seminars for young girls back in the 90's.  Which explains the “pure” emphasis.

Any event has several parts:








Once the dream is communicated to others, it begins to come into an existence, take on a name, fall into place – for a time and place.  The people who have the dream come together and plan.  Settling on a date can depend on many things, then a location can be found.  The purpose has to be defined with a mission, goals, guidelines and ideal finished product.

The participants who will be leading or attending need to be informed every step of the way, and the finished product is a very well planned, enjoyable, memorable event.

One of the first things a campground or retreat facility will ask you is what dates are you looking at, so they can reserve the weekend just for you.

In order to plan correctly you need to plan well in advance.

No sense paying for a campground, we found retreat centers can charge as much as $17.00 per person for a bed, no meals included up to $40.00 per person with a meal or two thrown in.  Some retreat centers want to provide all the meals and you pay, others let you use their kitchen with an extra deposit charged for potential damages.

There is always an up front down payment based on the number of people you will be expecting to attend, and you can usually get them to charge you the minimum to hold the dates, then increase if more people register than you expected.

So let's get started.

About 6 months before Ruth Revisited 2010, I talked with some ladies who I thought would catch the vision and help me make this happen.

We decided that if we sent out a FaceBook invite, to see who was interested, we could get a better feel for whether this would take off or not.  So we did, we gave the event a name, Ruth Revisited – a Pure Reunion.

Ruth would mean something to most ladies invited because when we did the retreats for young ladies back in the 90's we used Biblical names for the retreats.  Esther Seminar, Ruth Seminar, Mary, etc.

We met for lunch and scheduled some evening meetings.  After a few meetings we invited a few teenage girls to join us.  At about the 3rd meeting we came up with a date, a few campgrounds to research and a basic schedule for the event.

Since I was doing the majority of the teachings, we didn't have a keynote speaker with fees, or other workshop leaders to pay, so we kept our costs down.  I invited my sister to bring her crafts for a display and we included a session of crafts on Saturday morning which proved to be one of the highlights of the event.

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