Please pray for the Seminar in this way.

Pray that the ladies and girls who are supposed to be there will sense an urgency to be a part of the event, sign up, attend and participate.

Pray that God prepare their hearts to hear from Him during the teachings and free time.

Pray that each participant have something to offer another lady or girl as they receive what God has for them.

Pray for the leadership, that each one who is to do a presentation will have clarity of mind, and gentleness of heart during preparation and the event.

Because over 300 girls went through the seminar in the early 90's the planning committee is asking you to pray that no matter what circumstances they have faced in the last 15 years, they will see the Ruth Revisited conference as a safe place to come away for a refreshing.  Pray it will be a place for them to fall into the "arms of the ones who cared enough to reach out to them then, and now."

Pray that those who have been through trials will have the patience and show the mercy needed for those who are still facing daily trials.  That they will be able to open up with a message of victory to pave the way of hope for others.  We want to present unconditional love, as Christ commanded.

Pray for any woman or girl who may be thinking, "I'm an exception, I cannot be loved, I'm too messed up;" and that our unconditional love response for ladies and girls will be,
"You can't make me not love you!"

Pray in this way:  Lord this world is pretty messed up, give us the wisdom, strength and love needed to plan, prepare, organize, publicize and orchestrate this event and we will give you

all the glory and honor and praise.

Thank you Lord for laying this on the hearts of women in this community, now we pray you bring it about, close doors that distract, open doors that keep us on target.


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