A Day of Panic, Prayer and finally PEACE

I did a lot of research before naming this seminar. 

I even checked to see if there was a web page with the name Ruth Revisited.  I could've bought the domain name, but decided to do this format instead.  I found nothing that had "Ruth Revisited." 

It was important to me because of trademarks, copyrights, etc.  I take that stuff serious.

So after making several announcements, having planning meetings and even making calls in the name of the event.  I typed Ruth Revisited (with a space between the two words) meaning to type ruthrevisited to go to the blog, and walla, the term came up on a ladies page from Focus on the Family

I was horrified and mortified.

Nothing is carved in stone mind you, we just loved the name of the event, and now a huge pause, while I research this "Ruth Revisited" article.  At first I thought it must be a book, I'd buy it and read it, then I found it to be an article, a follow up of an article called "Pulling a Ruth," written by Candice Watters, for boundless.org.

OK so, it sounds like I'm out of touch right.  Well, motorcycle ministry and ministry to teens and young Moms really are two different worlds, but are they?  I'm not out of touch, but I haven't followed Focus on the Family in a long time.  I'm an empty nester that still loves ministry to young people and mentoring moms, but I'm not, well ... faithful to reading about young families like I was when I was raising mine. (so I said it)

When I felt strongly that I should pull together this reunion, somehow calling it a Ruth Seminar like we did in '95 just didn't seem to fit, so I challenged a few people to pray about a name.  It hit me one morning as soon as I woke up ... revisited. That is very much like a reunion, going home, visiting, regrouping, looking back with the future in mind.  Revisited was so good, and everyone likes it, so "Ruth Revisited 2010, a pure reunion" is alive and well.   We've used the term, given it a date and a by-line.  We own it now!

I found Candice Watters on Facebook and requested to be her friend, sent her a message that told her the deal.  No response yet, but I'm loving her stuff on-line, I'm pumped about the reunion, the name and an announcement we're about to make about the date and place.  It was a long 24 hours though, getting all this calmed down in my spirit.

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