Who will be attending Ruth Revisited?

We are praying that mothers and daughters will attend.  Girls of all ages are invited.  If a girl is under the age of 8 she may not get much out of the seminar. 

Ruth Revisited 2010 is a weekend retreat for girls and ladies.  A challenge for girls to prepare for tough choices in their future; and time for women to review their choices, seek forgiveness and go forward with purpose.

Girls dream, plan and hope for their future, and face trials from peers, relatives and community.  SEE ARTICLE ON HOPE

Ruth Revisited is designed to compliment her feminine qualities, and equip her with loving responses to daily and lifetime decisions and attitudes.

In 1995 when we designed Purity Seminars for our young ladies, it seemed simpler.  The task before us was clear.  It is somehow muddied now.  The only way to clarify our purpose is through prayer and God's word, the Bible.  Please pray for the success of this "Pure Reunion." 

Many ladies who plan to attend were young girls in the 90's, they made a pure commitment to their future, some met those goals, others did not.  There is a lot of pain represented in the choices made, but God provides healing through His people who are willing to accept with open arms.

The book of Ruth is a story of tragedy, heartache, hard work, Motherly advice, family traditions, and in the end, redemption with a reward.

A weekend set aside to place our lives in the mirror image of the life of Ruth, and that of her mother-in-law Naomi ... to see ourselves in the reflection of the decisions, joy, pain, disappointments, heartache, sincere love, and the hopes of these women ... this alone should send us out with an improved view of our wonderful future, walking in God's purpose for our lives.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

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